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Kim took time discussing with me prior to my massage what areas I was having trouble with. I explained to her my concerns and she addressed them. After my massage she explained to me the areas she worked and why she worked them. I loved how Kim started out my massage, it really set me for a relaxing experience the way she placed her hands on my forehead and went into a scalp massage. The massage very soothing. She also made sure the pressure was good during my massage and made sure I was comfortable at all times. --- AC

She gave me a great massage! I was having pain, and she knew exactly which areas needed work, and seemed to really care about my comfort & my healing process. --- AG

I needed relaxation, firm but comfortable. It was more than I could've asked for! I even fell asleep. It was so wonderful and I will be going back to see Kim every month now! --- PD

She was very nice and professional as well as knowledgable.---SD

She explained therapy I could use at home to help with my IT bands that always hurt.---JS

Worked on problem areas better than any other massage therapist I have had.--- AH

Best one I have ever had.---KB

I had lower back tension that Kim worked out beautifully. Kim was very kind and very concerned about my needs. --- KR

She was amazing. I'm already planning when I can come back with my girl friends.I hope Kimberly is still there. ---KN

Kim is very knowledgeable in muscle and tendon needs...I feel very comfortable having her work on my problem areas.---JM

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